
Ep. 84 | Nils Vinje Says Low Maturity Customers Need You To Do A Lot Of Work. Be Ready for It.

Bill Cushard on Sep 7, 2018 10:30:00 AM Customer Success, SaaS, Jason Lemkin, Nils Vinje

Nils Vinje, from Glide Consulting, just gave me a new perspective on customer success readiness at SaaS companies. Although Jason Lemkin says customer success is a single digit hireand he may be right most of the time....Nils says, "Not so fast." According to Nils, when to hire customer success depends on the maturity level of your customer. "It's wonderful to disrupt a market. However, it's also terrible to disrupt a market." Said another way, it's good to "have the first solution" to a problem because it's a greenfield opportunity. BUT. "If there has been no solution there prior, there is no ownership in that organization for that particular function. There are no processes. There are no people who run those processes. The customer will therefore need a lot more help than a customer success organization can or should provide. 

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