Scaffolding 4.1.0 set to be released- ready for Confluence 4.3!

Posted by Dan Luebke on August 31, 2012

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Migrating hundreds of customers from versions of Confluence 3.+ to 4.+ over the past few months has made us very excited to announce the latest update to one of our most-praised products, Scaffolding.

Scaffolding, a plugin for Confluence that contains macros for creating 'permanent templates' and editable forms, is one of Atlassian's most popular add-ons. Since its release the plugin has reached nearly 28,000 downloads from Atlassian Marketplace.

When Atlassian unveiled Confluence 4.+, Scaffolding ran into a few conflicts with some complicated features involved in the new software. For instance, some users who adopted Confluence 4.+ had parts of their data fail to display in Scaffolding forms. We're proud to report that our release of Scaffolding 4.0.4 in mid-August mitigated this issue and, along with many other small fixes, made for an even smoother transition to a smarter wiki.

Today we're excited to announce the release of Scaffolding 4.1.0, set to be unveiled Monday, September 3rd. It includes further back-end upgrades and, what excites us most, will be compatible with the upcoming release of Confluence 4.3. We've been working hard to make our plugins jive with this update and it brings us pride to announce that Scaffolding, among many of our other products, is ready for the future.

Scaffolding developed a community following after pleasing users with the powerful tools it provides their Wiki. Scaffolding offers robust macros which allow data to be entered into forms and stored for the administrator. The plugin enables edits of specified sections on a page as long as the current user has 'edit' permissions to the page being viewed. Many customers use this plugin to build the foundation of their semantic wiki and collaboration system.

CustomWare offers unparalleled-industry support for our products, including Confluence. Users can access our Docs Wiki which contains getting started guides, recipes, support, user guides and FAQ's for every product. We don't stop there, however, with corporate options that include adhoc and enterprise support. It's no wonder that one of our core values has always been Delight the Customer.


Topics: Add-ons, Atlassian, Confluence, Press

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