by Daniel Luebke (@danieljluebke)

ServiceRocket is pleased to announce an industry expert fireside chat at Training is Customer Success, Friday, February 27th in Downtown Palo Alto. By bringing together founders, CEOs, VPs and evangelists from the industry's most impactful Customer Success companies, ServiceRocket aims to help solidify vision for where Customer Success is headed, especially as it pertains to software training.
During the Fireside chat, we will engage executives from the leading customer success companies, Gainsight, Bluenose, Totango and Preact to discuss the link between training and customer success. Moderating is Bill Cushard, head of training at ServiceRocket, who will facilitate a discussion about how training professionals can use data to measure the effectiveness of training and make informed decisions about what and how training can be used to improve customer success.
On the Panel
Catherine Blackmore | Bluenose, CCO | @catherineblckmr
Lincoln Murphy | Gainsight, Customer Success Evangelist | @lincolnmurphy
Mike Saldi | Preact, CCO | @msaldi
Omer Gotlieb | Totango, Co-founder/CCO | @omergotlieb
We look forward to insights and analysis from the panel, and welcoming a community of training and customer success leaders to Palo Alto. Register for Training is Customer Success here.