Not all projects are the same. For example, you will have different issues to track for software development projects versus IT support projects versus HR projects. This is obvious, right? It is. But if we know it is obvious, why don't more JIRA Administrators create Issues Types in JIRA Projects that match the particular needs of each project. Configuring and customizing issue types is a fundamental JIRA Administration function that should be mastered. If you customize issues types for each project, with fields and values and speak the language of that particular team, you will have happier end users and JIRA adoption will increase dramatically.
In this JIRA Administration tutorial, you will learn how to create Issue Type Schemes in JIRA.
Watch the video below:
Call for Comments:
- Do you customize your issue types by project?
- How has customizing issue types that speak the language of your customer impacted JIRA adoption and end user satisfaction with JIRA?