There's never been a better a better time to be a user or administrator of Atlassian Confluence. With the introduction of Confluence 5, our partner Altassian unveiled an enormous overhaul of their platform's interface which now offers more efficient ways of creating content, among many changes we laid out in our review last week.
Today we have more good news for Confluence-lovers of the world, especially those who use and rely on CustomWare plugins to bolster their platform. CustomWare's flagship products, including Reporting, Composition and Linking are now compatible with Confluence 5! As of today, these plugins are available within our online store and on the Atlassian Marketplace.
We're working hard to expand the compatibility of our plugins as fast as we can. Our goal is to keep our customers from ever going a day without the full power of our products. While we're still tinkering with a few known cosmetic glitches within our Scaffolding plugin we anticipate the add-on will be Confluence 5 compatible soon. You'll be hearing from us!
If you're having any trouble accessing any of our new releases, any other product, or you just have a question related to CustomWare or one of our offerings, contact us today!